Saturday, August 8, 2009 long long last!

I have been reading Julie and Julia, and I have become slightly obsessed with Julie. Yes, Julie Powell, not Julia Child. We have a few things in common. We are the same age (she is a Taurus, so she is slightly older than this Gemini), we both have a love for food, we both have aspirations to be writers (and, although my obsession is new, I believe her post-secondary education involved becoming a writer...i'll get back to you on that one), and we both have had to stop and think about what we want to do with our lives. Okay, it's not like we're kindred spirits, but it was enough for me to sit down, and get back to my blog. I don't know if anyone will read it, but I am happy enough to write again.

So, thanks Julie Powell, for the inspiration.

Now, what to blog about. Well....obviously Eating Clean. It's what I started this for. Originally it started because of the show I bullied my family into doing...Tosca: Flexing at 49. I learned a lot from filming, and from Tosca herself. So much was not aired, and i'm perfectly fine with that. I looked like a big blob, and it was hard to watch.

The one thing that was emphasized, which i'm glad about, is the fact that I am an emotional overeater. A disease? Perhaps. The jury is still out on that one, and i'm not totally convinced. However, I do LOOOOOOOOOVEEEEE.....even, lurve, food. Is that so wrong? Well, yes, actually, it is. I tend to take my love for food to new levels. I can go weeks, even months, eating properly, and losing weight and feeling good about myself, then BAM! I throw it all away for gooey pizza, or chips. Then the downward spiral towards small binging and self-hatred begins. It's a bit sad, I know, but perhaps writing about it will be my final cure! Ha! We shall see.

So, back to Eating Clean (yes, it's that important that it should be capitalized). Eating Clean is hard. Sorry Tosca, I really am, but it's one of the hardest things i've ever done. BUT...I do believe my horribly bad cooking skills, coupled with my impatience while waiting for food to cook, put a stopper into my otherwise good-intentions. Another downfall that I will try to change...(ohhh, "change" I hate that about "modify") is my undeniable lack of being able to plan ahead. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail...and all that jargon that makes one feel bad for being a terminal procratisinator.

I also hate waiting. I'm always hungry when I cook, and waiting 45 minutes for chicken kills me. I end up snacking, and then not hungry by the time the said meal is ready. I eat it regardless of my almost-full stomach, because I need to show the kids that the food is edible, so they will eat it.

Most meals I cook end up in the fridge, with a quarter eaten at mealtime. Then it grows mold, and then it visits the Green Bin for it's journey to the recycling centre. Or the dump. Rumour does have it that our Green Bin stuffs actually aren't composted, but just put in with the garbage. It's a rumour....I didn't start it.....must look into that later.

Julie Powell actually had a love, or at least like, for cooking when she embarked on her Julie/Julia Project. I, however, hate cooking, and fully intend on learning to like it. For my family's sake. No more fast food (even Clean fast food....and I have found several places to buy Clean(ish) fast food). I will be cooking at least one meal a day from Tosca's Eat Clean Diet Cookbook only. It's a huge undertaking for please bear with me if I swear a lot.

I still have over 40 pounds to lost (I have lost 55), and this little project should help with that too. Day One starts tomorrow, Sunday August 8, 2009. Wish me luck!


ba said...

Hi Kelly!

I watched the series, and really appreciated that you and your husband opened up your lives to us.

It is comforting to hear that you find eating clean hard; but it sounds like it's worth it!

You mentioned that you are usually hungry when you cook - I often find that too, so I will have my trusty bottle of water on the counter beside me. Or, cut up some extra veggies and munch on those...

Congrats on your success so far; all the best in every step of this journey!

kellybelly said...

Thanks for the congrats on my success. Sometimes I feel that it's not enough of a success. Those times are when I haven't gone down in the scale in awhile.

I munched on the carrots, while I cooked tonight. Also, starting earlier really helped. Not sure if I can keep that up during the week. Only time will tell.
